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Instant Market Listings FAQ
Instant Market Listings FAQ

Frequently asked questions on the Instant Market Listing feature

dYdX Operations Services Ltd. avatar
Written by dYdX Operations Services Ltd.
Updated over 2 months ago

What are instant market listings?

Instant market listings enable any dYdX user to launch any “launchable” market instantly by adding funds to MegaVault. MegaVault enables instant market listings by seamlessly supporting new markets trading from day one.

Head over to the markets page, type in the market you'd like to launch, select the market and then follow the steps to launch. The process takes roughly 1 minute.

What is the criteria for a market to be “launchable”?

The universe of launchable markets is maintained onchain by a third party, Skip, who was elected to be the Market Map Updater by dYdX holders.

While Skip maintains the onchain list, generally markets must hit various volume and liquidity thresholds to be included. These thresholds aim to ensure that any new market meets baseline compatibility requirements with dYdX software.

How quickly can markets launch?

Markets take roughly 1 minute to launch.

What are the requirements to launch a market?

To launch a market, a user must have 10,000 USDC available. As part of the process to launch a market, a user adds 10,000 USDC to MegaVault and agrees to lock the funds in MegaVault for an estimated 30 days*.

* The USDC is actually locked for 2592000 dYdX protocol blocks. The 30 day estimate assumes an average block time of one second to confirm each block during the lock up period. The actual block times could be longer, so your USDC could be locked for more than 30 days.

Are the funds I add to MegaVault while launching a market be treated differently from other funds added to MegaVault?

No, besides being locked for an estimated 30 days, the funds added to MegaVault are treated the same as other funds unassociated with launched markets in MegaVault.

Why is there a requirement to add funds to MegaVault? Why are the funds locked for an estimated 30 days?

This is a dYdX governance parameter that can be adjusted by the community at any time. Adding 10,000 USDC into MegaVault and locking for an estimated 30 days enables MegaVault to provide instant support for the launched market.

What does liquidity look like for a market that I list?

When a user launches a permissionless market, 10,000 USDC is atomically added into that market’s onchain vault (a.k.a. sub-vault). The MegaVault operator can subsequently adjust liquidity as they see fit.

Am I guaranteed to get my 10,000 USDC back in 30 days?

No. The 10,000 USDC will be added to MegaVault. MegaVault supports high risk, illiquid and volatile markets and there is material risk of loss by adding funds to MegaVault. There is no protection of funds in MegaVault and there is no guaranteed return. Please review the MegaVault FAQ for more details.

Is it legal to launch a market?

You are responsible for assessing the legality of launching a new market, and you are strongly encouraged to review all applicable laws, licensing requirements and consult professional advisors before doing so. While dYdX is not available in certain jurisdictions, you should not rely on the availability of the instant listings software in a jurisdiction to inform compliance with laws. The software developer is not your adviser.

Can I launch a market for US investors?

No. dYdX may not be used in the United States, Canada or any other prohibited jurisdiction. Please read the Disclaimer and Terms section for more information.

What are the criteria for market listings on dYdX via SKIP?

The criteria for launchable market listings on dYdX via SKIP include that for Uniswap-based markets, the top 200 markets are selected based on performance metrics from GeckoTerminal. For centralized exchange (CEX) listed markets, they must have an average daily trading volume of at least $80,000 and require listings on at least three reputable centralized exchanges. These criteria ensure that only active and trustworthy markets are launched on the dYdX platform.

Disclaimer and Terms

This document may provide information with respect to the dYdX Chain software, and/or non-mandatory guidelines and suggestions that may help with using dYdX Chain software. dYdX Operations Services Ltd. does not run dYdX Chain validators nor operate or control the dYdX Chain network. dYdX Operations Services Ltd. is not responsible for any actions taken by other third parties who use dYdX Chain software. dYdX Operations Services Ltd. services and products are not available to persons or entities who reside in, are located in, are incorporated in, or have registered offices in the United States or Canada, or Restricted Persons (as defined in the Terms of Use). The content provided herein does not constitute, and should not be considered, or relied upon as, financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, investment advice or advice of any other nature, and you agree that you are responsible to conduct independent research, perform due diligence and engage a professional advisor prior to taking any financial, tax, legal or investment action related to the foregoing content. The information contained herein, and any use of products or services provided by dYdX Operations Services Ltd., are subject to the Terms of Use.

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